Spring in Red Wing

By |2014-05-16T14:47:37+00:00May 16th, 2014|

Finally the plants are coming up. I think this is called Spring. These pretty little tulips are just outside our [...]

Moondance Inn Dahlia2

By |2008-08-23T09:02:38+00:00August 23rd, 2008|

Moondance Inn Dahlia2, originally uploaded by mwaulk. So many flowers are in bloom at the Moondance Inn. Hosta's, holly hocks, [...]

Moondance Inn Dahlia3

By |2008-07-08T15:19:36+00:00July 8th, 2008|

Moondance Inn Dahlia3, originally uploaded by mwaulk. The Moondance Inn gardens surround our B&B. You will see lush shade gardens [...]

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